Anxiety Help

Exercise and mental activities for your pet can help with nervous energy. But they may need a little (or a lot!) of extra support. Along with the below supplements, see a behaviorist and/or a trainer to develop tools and skills in order to decrease the nervous behavior your pet is exhibiting.

Here are a few ways to calm your pet’s anxiety:

-          Rescue Remedy for Pets: This can be found at most grocery stores, and is made of natural flower essences to decrease stress and anxiety.

-          L-Theanine: This is derived from Green Tea and has been used in human medicine for calming purposes. Dose twice a day at <25lbs 25mg, 25-50lbs 50mg, and 50lb+ 100mg.  I like Thorne Research or Pure Encapsulations in human supplements. A pet specific brand in Solliquin Chews.

-          Zylkene: This is derived from a milk protein than promotes calm behavior naturally. Little to no side effects are seen, and it can be found online or in some pet stores.

-          Calming Care Probiotic form Purina ProPlan: A specific strain of gut microbe Bifidobacterium longum BL999 has been shown to ease stress. Give consistently, as this can take 6 weeks to fully see the benefits.

-          Adaptil Products: Natural canine Pheromones are released to send reassuring signals to your pet. It comes in a diffuser, spray, or even a collar depending on the needs of your pet.

-          CBD: Lots of research has shown the anti-anxiety benefits from cannabinoid. Be sure you are getting a quality product, as there are many out there these days! Get a Dog/Cat specific, organic, full spectrum, 3rd Party Tested with the Certificate of Authentication posted on the website (COA) oil for your pets.  Its best absorbed through their mucosa (under the tongue or along gum line), so putting it in their food may not be as potent.

Discuss with your own Vet if prescription medications would be beneficially as well. Trazodone, Alprazolam, and Sileo have been prescribed for anxiety with great success.